Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Little Women.

Lately, I've been sick.  (Hence, the absence from the blog that I so convincingly promised I'd be better about writing in!)  Anyway... sick.  Real sick.  And when you're sick, what better way to spend your time than on the couch, watching movies?  Like Little Women.  LOVE!!!!  Seriously.  I have loved this movie since the first time I saw it, when it came out in 1994.  Little 7-year-old Blake!  Haha.  I vividly remember unwrapping the VHS at Grandma's house on Christmas Eve.  And then, of course, watching the movie until it literally wore out.  (No joke.)
All these years later, it remains my favorite.  And I don't forsee that ever changing!  It's just too good.  I watch it a couple times a year...  sometimes when it's raining out...  or I'm sick...  or I'm sad... or need to be inspired.  It's the perfect cure.  I highly recommend.  And can also quote the whole thing.  Ha.  But really...

An update of more substance to come later.  :)