So... I finally HAVE A JOB! (A legit one!!)
I'll be working at a political organization (does God have a sense of humor?) in downtown Clayton as their "Collegians Director." This basically means I'll be communicating with high school and college students (mostly via social networking - facebook, twitter, blogging, etc - updating them and interacting with them), planning a conference in DC (!), designing, writing, editing, and other random things like answering the phone, editing video, duplicating cds, etc. This also means I am soon-to-be (thankfully) health-insured and making money. And actually using that comm. degree! Wooo!
It's happened oh-so-fast, as I just went in for the interview last Wednesday! I start in two days. So goodbye, summer and unemployment and sleeping in. Hello, salary and early mornings (COFFEE) and high heels. Yikesabee!
congratulations blake! sounds like a perfect job for you. i can't wait to see what else God has in store for you.
Yesssss! You're going to be fantastic, I just know it! I'm so excited for you that this burden lifted off. Can I just say that I'm so thankful that I'm in a position where I DON'T wear high heels? :) PTL!
hey - i'm so excited about your job! i'm praying that you have a great first day that totally confirms that you're supposed to be there. i know you're going to do great!! :)
love you!
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